Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Reading- Fill in the blanks

1.It’s funny how Theory of Machines seems to be all over the place, yet the music itself ………….. very homogeneous and the artistic direction is as ………. as can be. On this album, it sounds like Ben Frost is drawing from tons of influences, which means that each listener will hear in it different things related to their own musical ………. The title track opens in post-rock style, down to the impending climax six minutes in. Yet, Theory of Machines is not a post-rock album. You might also hear death metal threads laced throughout the five cuts, and ambient stylings, Sonic Youth-esque guitar textures, a Björk-like fragility in the arrangements, an occasional surge of rhythm akin to late-vintage King Crimson, a level of intensity ……………. of Swans, and so on. Frost does make an explicit reference to Swans’ Michael Gira in the track title “We Love You Michael Gira,” but the tribute is more subtle than what you might expect. The music in this track (as everywhere else on the album) is not that close to Swans’ output, but it does share a ……….. spirit, a certain understanding of the power of music.

precise instruments  remains  soon experience  common   reminiscent   natural

2.While Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is a ………….. young archetype, the evolutionary worldview itself is as old as antiquity. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Anaximander postulated the development of life from non-life and the …………………. descent of man from animal. Charles Darwin simply brought something new to the old philosophy — a plausible mechanism called “natural selection.” Natural selection acts to preserve and ……………. minor advantageous genetic mutations. Suppose a member of a species developed a functional advantage (it grew wings and learned to fly). Its ………………. would inherit that advantage and pass it on to their offspring. The inferior (disadvantaged) members of the same species would gradually die out, leaving only the superior (advantaged) members of the species. Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage that enables a species to compete better in the wild. Natural selection is the naturalistic equivalent to domestic …………. Over the centuries, human breeders have produced dramatic changes in domestic animal populations by selecting individuals to breed. Breeders eliminate ………………… traits gradually over time. Similarly, natural selection eliminates inferior species gradually over time.

offspring  undesirable   relatively  accumulate   grow evolutionary  breeding

3.The Natural Law, as applied to the case of human beings, requires greater ……………. because of the fact that we have …………….. and free will. It is the our nature humans to act freely (i.e. to be provident for ourselves and others) by being inclined toward our proper acts and end. That is, we human …………… must exercise our natural reason to discover what is best for us in order to achieve the end to which their nature inclines. Further more, we must ………… our freedom, by choosing what reason determines to naturally suited to us, i.e. what is best for our nature. The natural inclination of humans to ……………. their proper end through reason and free will is the natural law. Formally defined, the Natural Law is humans’ participation in the Eternal Law, through reason and will. Humans actively ……….. in the eternal law of God (the governance of the world) by using reason in conformity with the Natural Law to discern what is good and evil.

precision participate  beings  caused  exercise  acheive   reason  get   human

1 remains , precise, experience, reminiscent, common
2 relatively, evolutionary, accumulate, offspring, breeding,undesirable
3 precision,reason,beings,exercise,achieve,participate

 4..Geelong’s Gordon Institute will undergo a $10 million upgrade, to …………………..building of a new technical school.
Training and Skills Minister Steve Herbert ……………………on Friday the State Government would contribute $5 million and the Gordon $5 million for work which would signal a new era for the institution.
Work will include presenting a new facade to Latrobe Terrace, as well as …………………of laboratories and equipment.
The institute’s library will shift to the new tech school.
“This major redevelopment for the Gordon means students of all ages will have access to cutting-edge ………………and equipment, giving them the skills they need for the jobs they want,” Mr Herbert said.
Proceed , announced ,accompany, bringing ,updating, facilities, technology
5.REIQ Gold Coast zone chairman John Newlands said some southern suburbs were shaking off a poor reputation and …………………….gentrification as wealthier residents moved in and displaced people from lower-income groups.
“I think suburbs such as Miami have become ………………with people who previously would not have gone there,” he said.
“They have come into their own with new restaurants and markets………………, which has also made them more attractive.”
Developers have …………….on to the trend as well, with Sunland launching a $62 million development, Magnoli Residences, in Palm Beach.
,avail, experiencing , popular ,famous, closing , opening , cottoned ,launched

6.It was nice while it lasted, but the balmy June …………………is about to be washed away by a wintry long weekend, with rain tipped for Saturday and Monday.
After three days of glorious sunshine …………………day time maximums of 21C or above, an approaching cold front — and another one on Sunday — is set to remind people in the south of the state that it really is winter.
The southern half of the state had an early taste of it last month with ……………..cold fronts which lashed the state, bringing ………………………winds up to 111km/h and rainfall in excess of 100mm to parts of the South West.
And in the north of the state a trough and subsequent rain band will bring showers to western parts of the Pilbara from Friday onwards.
raining ,Sunshine, produced ,demanded , successive ,daily , destructive,strong

4.accompany,announced ,updating ,facilities
5. experiencing ,popular ,opening ,cottoned
6. sunshine ,produced ,successive ,destructive

7.If the words “home brew” traditionally filled drinkers of a certain age with trepidation, then Sydney’s craft beer ……………. has turned that on its head.
Forget the stereotype of vinegary pale ales and exploding bottles. Thanks to an unofficial ……………..network that has sprung up around the burgeoning numbers of microbreweries, today’s ……………………skilled home brewers are getting the chance to test their wares on an appreciative public — and in some cases become tomorrow’s professionals.
Given the chance to shine by regular home-brew………………………. and festivals, increasing numbers are taking the opportunity to fly solo, rather than wait for a job at an established brewery. From Willie the Boatman in Tempe to the Badlands Brewery out at Orange, much of the “apprenticeships” involved were served concocting beers in sheds and basements.
Empire ,revolution ,partner, support, increasingly, competitions, established, accomplished

8.A NEW Scitech is likely to be …………………..in the Perth Cultural Centre in Northbridge, according to Premier Colin Barnett.
The Premier confirmed the State Government was …………….at a new site for Scitech in the Perth Cultural Centre during budget estimate hearings on Tuesday.
Mr Barnett said the science and ………………………centre would likely be built near the new state museum sometime in the “early 2020s”.
Scitech’s current lease at its West Perth location will expire in 2021.
In the lead up to the 2013 state election, the Liberal Party ………………………..plans to relocate Scitech to Burswood to be the part of a new entertainment precinct alongside the Perth Stadium.hose plans were scrapped in 2014.
Made, Build, grabbing , looking , technology , announced ,voted

9.THE budget for Queensland’s bikie gang fighters has been …………………..by a third as the State Government refuses to guarantee more resources.
Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls last night said the …………………….to Taskforce Maxima and the planned watering down of the VLAD laws meant Labor was sending officers on the street with “their hands tied behind their backs”.
The Bulletin had been told Maxima staff were concerned about transfers from the Coast and figures from the Opposition ………………..their fears. Maxima’s fulltime equivalent staff count dropped from 104 in 2014-15 to 95 in 2015-16.
Police Minister Bill Byrne would only say the FTE count for 2016-17 and 2017-18 would be subject to “operational requirements” and “the ………………..assessment of the threats, risk and harm posed” by bikies.
Slashed ,reduced, cutbacks ,dismantle, confirmed , constant ,remained

7    revolution ,support, increasingly ,competitions ,
8. build , looking ,technology ,announced
9.reduced,cutbacks ,confirmed ,constant

10.A blueprint for a city park in Penrith’s CBD has gone on …………….for public comment. The plan seeks to rezone land bound by Station Street, Henry Street, Allen Place and Woodriff Street so Penrith City Council can ……………….a city park precinct. The rezoning will allow greater flexibility regarding use of the site and design, a statement from the council said.A city park has been part of council’s planning since it was included in the Penrith City Centre …………………………in 2006, and was identified as one of Penrith Progression’s first priorities.
“Throughout extensive community engagement for Penrith Progression, a wide range of stakeholders ……………………….a centrally located ‘city heart’,” Penrith mayor Karen McKeown said.
“A city park will transform our city centre. A contemporary public space, surrounded by a mix of housing and specialist retail……………….., will in turn foster redevelopment of private land in the area.
Raise , display ,make , develop ,policy , strategy , supported, business , opportunities

11.THE humble brick home, the cornerstone of Australian dwellings since the early 1800s, has been through many ……………………..in the past 200 years.
From pre-Victorian homes, to post-war homes all the way to the new Australian dream: a three-bedroom brick home on a fair chunk of land. Here are three houses from around the region that exemplify the ………………….of the brick home.
…………………………to the 1850s, 270 Latrobe Tce, Newtown doesn’t look much like it did when it was first built, with white paint covering the facade, giving it a Hamptons feel.
Inside, the four-bedroom home is full of period charm, with ……………………..wood trimmings, a wrought iron balcony at the rear of the home, and an exposed beam ceiling in the upstairs bedroom.
Set on one of Newtown’s most affluent streets, the kitchen is ………………with high-end appliances and looks out over the backyard and entertaining area. The lifestyle doesn’t come cheap though, with the expected price range of $745,000 to $815,000.
Timed , evolution , Dated , polished , stunning ,Incarnations ,beautiful

12.Avoiding exercise could be bad for our mental health too, pushing us into the pit of depression and causing ………… at work. Management experts have discovered that employees who……………..in physical activity are less likely to experience a ………………. of their mental health, including …………… of burnout and depression.

10.dispaly ,develop , strategy ,supported , opportunities
11. Incarnations, evolution , Dated , polished , stunning

13.West Point researchers found that using a laptop or tablet in the classroom had ……………an overall drop of roughly one-fifth of a standard deviation.
Students who were allowed………………… use of their laptops or tablets performed with an 18 per cent reduction, while those with a modified tablet access saw a 17 per cent drop.This …………… a 1.7 point drop on the 100 point scale.The negative effects were seen most heavily in male students, and those who came into the class with a high GPA.The researchers say that both unrestricted and modified use may affect students in a number of ways.It could lead to……………….., in which students are checking social media or even doing homework for another class, and it may reduce students’ abilities to effectively take notes.
The researchers say professors may even change their own………………, interacting differently with the class in response to students using devices.
Caused , create,consider,unrestricted , equates, distractions, behaviour


14.Individuals suffering from chronic fatigue tend to be more………….., distressed and are also more likely to suppress these emotions than people who do not have this……………, says a study. In addition, when under stress, chronic fatigue …………….patients show greater activation of the biological “fight or flight” mechanism, which may add to their fatigue, the study said.
“Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome often tell us that……………… worsens their symptoms, but this study demonstrates a possible biological mechanism underlying this effect,” said lead study author Katharine Rimes from King’s College London. The findings appeared in the journal Health Psychology.
The research that involved ……………….160 people in Britain relied on self and observer reports, as well as physiological responses that were collected before, during or after the participants watched a distressing film clip.
Worried ,Anxious , condition ,tension , syndrome , stress , examining

15.California on Wednesday suspended its mandatory state wide 25 percent reduction in urban water use, telling local ……………….to set their own conservation standards after a relatively wet winter and a year of …………….savings in urban water use.
The new rules are a sharp change in policy for a state ……………to manage one of the worst droughts in its history. They came after a winter in which El Niño storms fell short of what meteorologists projected — particularly in the southern part of the state — but still partly filled ……………..reservoirs in Northern California and, more critically, partly replenished the mountain snow packs that provide water into the spring and summer.
Area , communities , parched ,enormous , huge , struggling
13.Caused , ,unrestricted , equates, distractions, behaviour
14 Anxious , condition , syndrome , stress , examining
15 .communities ,enormous , struggling , parched

Some of the first clashes of the war ………. British, French, and German colonial forces in Africa. On 6–7 August, French and British troops invaded the German protectorate of Togoland and Kamerun. On 10 August, German forces in South-West Africa …… South Africa; sporadic and fierce fighting ……. for the rest of the war. The German colonial forces in German East Africa, led by Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, fought a guerilla warfare campaign during World War I and only two weeks after the armistice took …… in Europe.
involve involved continued surrendered attacked defer effect
His son was ……… in a distant place and he returned home for vacation. The rich man wanted to show off to his son how rich his father was and how he made him very proud. But his son wasn’t ever fond of any luxurious …… . However, the rich man wanted to make his son realize that his lifestyle was extremely rich and how the poor people did suffer. He planned for a day visit to the entire town to show him off the life of the poor people. The father and the son took a chariot and …… the entire town. They returned home after two days. The father was happy that his son was very quiet ……. seeing the poor people honouring the rich man and after seeing the sufferings of the poor ones due to lack of …….
 playing studying after visited lifestyle car facilities study
In the Eastern Front, on 22 June, the great Soviet offensive, codenamed Operation Bagration, almost ……………… the German Army Group Centre. Soon the Germans were forced to defend Ukraine and Poland . Arriving Soviet troops caused uprisings ……. German government in Eastern European countries, but all of those failed to succeed unless helped by the Soviets. Then another Soviet offensive ……. Romania and Bulgaria to join the Allies. Communist Serbs partisans under Josip Broz Tito …… Belgrade with some help from Bulgaria and the Soviet Union. By early 1945, the Soviets ………. many German-occupied countries: Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Finland switched to the side of the Soviets and Allies.
  forced, attacked, destroyed, retook,  against, took
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might ……. my boat,” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you.” “Oh . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!” Happiness ………. by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will ………. you.” It was an elder.So blessed and overjoyed, Love even ………. to ask the elder where they were going. When they ….. at dry land, the elder went his own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who Helped me?”
                                      take damage crack forgot arrived passed took

16.    involved, attacked, continued, surrendered, effect
17. studying, lifestyle, visited, after, facilities
18destroyed against forced retook attacked
19 damage, passed , take, forgot, arrived

Not all New York City love stories have to be romantic. NYC is …… in this endlessly re-watchable weepie about the tumultuous friendship between CC Bloom (Bette Midler) and Hillary Whitney (Barbara Hershey). After one ….. ……summer at the board walk in Atlantic City, the girls form an unbreakable …….. that eventually leads them to live together in a nightmare down town apartment. The girls both experience success in NYC—CC becomes a big Broadway star and Hilary becomes a lawyer—and their rapport is temporarily disrupted by a man (of course). While they ……….. find each other again on the left coast, their New York City roots permeate the film.
1 quality, featured, characteristic, phenomenon
2 critical, important, fateful, fate
3 relationship, bond, promise, association
4 even, finally, eventually, sometime
Sales fell faster in greater China, which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan, than in any other ………., down 26 percent compared with the previous year. …….. in mainland China, Apple’s second-largest market after the United States, fell 11 percent as the country struggled with a slowing economy. Apple’s prospects there remain ………… since the government recently shut down Apple’s e-book and digital movie services without ……..Apple’s forecast for the current quarter did not make Wall Street more confident. The company projected revenue of $41 billion to $43 billion. That is much worse than Wall Street had been …………
1 zone, location, region, country
2 vending, sales, bought, transaction
3 debatable, ambivalent, uncertain, doubtful
4 explanation, clarification, explain, account
5 conjecture, picture, painting, predicting
The players the Cincinnati Reds trotted out on Wednesday ……. a prime opportunity for Harvey to regain his form. But against the first batter of the game, Zack Cozart, Harvey gave up a home run. Next up, Ivan De Jesus Jr. lined a single off Harvey’s backside.Harvey escaped the first inning without further …… by striking out the next three batters, setting the cadence for his night.
Like a ship wading through rough waters, Harvey encountered his share of whitecaps, but he finished in good …….., striking out seven in six innings while allowing two runs and seven hits, as the Mets defeated the Reds, 5-2, at Citi Field.“This is the best I think he’s thrown all year,” Manager Terry Collins said. “I think he’s making ……. .”Neil Walker drove in two runs to support Harvey, with one of the R.B.I. coming in the third on his ninth home run, which tied him for the franchise record for April. Last ……. with the Pittsburgh Pirates, Walker did not hit his ninth homer until July 26.
1 present, furnish, propose, prefer, presented
2 destruction, damage, injurious, wounding
3 condition, time, state, express
4 stalk, strides, ride, step
5 season, time, moment
In one of Spike Lee’s most complex films to date, the ….. of Jungle Fever is dedicated to exploring the consequences of the illicit affair between successful Black architect Flipper Purify (Wesley Snipes) and his Italian-American secretary, Angie Tucci (Annabella Sciorra). Set to a smoldering …………. by Stevie Wonder, the film follows the smitten pair as they ditch their partners after being discovered in order to move in together. Audiences are treated to ……. views of Harlem and Bensonhurst through Lee’s powerful lens as Flipper and Angie’s romance proves too ……… to survive the scrutiny and violent objections from their families and ………..
1 main-part, majority, most, earth-slip
2 music, soundtrack, movie-album
3 haunting, moving, atmospheric, haunt
4 strong, week, puny, poor
5 communities, colony, area, circle

20 featured, fateful,bond, eventually
21 region, Sales, uncertain, explanation, predicting
22 presented, damage, condition, strides, season
23 majority, soundtrack, haunting, weak, communities

Humans of New York, the photographic ………… of the amazing people …….. around the streets of the Big Apple, was started by Brandon Stanton in the summer of 2010. What began as a journey for a young photographer, ……….. into a visual story, twisting its way through the tourist-filled streets, traffic-packed asphalt and winding subway tunnels of this manic city that millions of ……… and beautiful individuals call home. Here are the 25 most romantic photos and stories throughout the history of HONY.
unique archive seeing exploded roaming
Nearly half of the smartphones …… in the United States are iPhones, and Apple may be reaching the ………. point among potential customers in other developed countries. Rival smartphone makers using Google’s Android operating system ……….. to challenge the company with powerful, less ………devices.
saturation sold extend continue sale expensive costly exorbitant

Apple’s disappointing quarter is the latest in a ……. of bad reports from the biggest technology companies. While the ……. vary — including the long slump in personal computer sales and slipping …… for online ads — a common theme has been that as these companies have grown into giants, it has become harder and harder to keep up the ………. .
rate reasons impulse prices momentum string difference27
With the exception of our good friend Martin Scorsese, no filmmaker captures the …….. of the New York City as well as Woody Allen. This classic film follows Allen’s neurotic alter ego Alvy Singer as he …….. his failed relationships, especially his dalliance with the enticing, scatterbrained and totally adorable Annie Hall, a role made iconic in both ………… and style by Diane Keaton. From their first meeting at the Wall Street Racquet Club (now gone, of course) to their romantic ……………. around the Upper West Side to their ironic takes on New Yorkers at the Central Park Zoo, Alvy and Annie may not have been ………….. to stay together, but it’s sure fun to watch their NYC romance fizzle.
wanderings nature essence reuse character personality destined rehashes

24 archive, roming, exploded, unique
25 sold, saturation, continue, expensive
26 string, reasons, prices, momentum
27 essence, rehashes, character, wanderings, destined

Since the dawn of human civilization, human beings have consistently been 1…… their dream faculty. In the Aryan society too, the dreams  2……. the human beings. The coming of Christianity itself was a great event in the history of mankind. The crucifixion of Jesus was seen in the dreams of the chosen and  3……. who had fathomless faith in Jesus, they had been informed in the dream that there would be resurrection of Jesus and his sacrifice for the sins of humanity would not go 4……….

It’s no secret that battlefield trauma can leave  1……. with deep emotional scars that 2….. their ability to function in civilian life. But new research led by Washington University in St. Louis suggests that military service, even without  3……, has a subtle 4…… effect on a man’s personality, making it potentially more difficult for veterans to get along with friends, family and co-workers.
Human history is  1…. with instances of how diffusion of general purpose technologies transformed  2……. and society. Take the US where electricity  3……. the way factories were organized in the 19th century, while assembly lines transformed manufacturing. In communications and logistics, the telegraph enabled  4….. conveyance of goods in stock and instructions to employees.
Brain concussion is a brain 1….. which does not have any macroscopic structural damage but is caused by mechanical force. Post traumatic amnesia was a condition to 2…… the brain concussion. Patients with brains concussion have always amnesia with normal 3…… status. One form of  4….. left intact in patients is the ability to learn skills called procedural memory.

Please find below correct answers
28. 1) interpreting 2) mystified 3) blessed 4) wasted
29 1) replete 2) commonality 3) metamorphosed 4) rapid
30. 1) veterans 2) impact 3) combat 4) lingering
31. 1) dysfunction 2) diagnose 3) neurological 4) memory


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